corn fuel cost calculator
Fuel Cost Calculator

Just follow the steps below to calculate your fuel costs, and how much you could save by converting to corn as your fuel. All you need is the type of fuel you are using, the amount, and the cost per unit, and the cost per bu. of corn.

Step 1
Select your fuel type

Step 2
Enter the amount of fuel you
use in a given time, in Gal. KWH or Therms.

eg. For 800 gal propane enter 800

gal. for propane or oil
Kwh for electricity
therms for Gas

Step 3
Enter your cost in dollars per unit from Step 2. If your not sure, a default value has been entered.
Step 4
Enter your cost per BU. of corn.
Again in dollars & cents.
Step 5
Just click calculate.
Results will appear below.

Your usage in Btus/yr
Equivalent bu. of corn
Your current cost is
Based on your unit cost
Your cost using corn
Savings using corn
All values are in dollars.


remember to add in all other charges to the cost per therm. 

delivery charge, pipeline charge, any service charge, and any tax

add up all other cost divide by therms used + cost per therm  is the actual cost per therm.

one bushel of corn is 
 equivalent to
     4.75 gal.of propane
     3.3 gal. fuel oil
134.3 kwh of electricity
4.58 therms of natural gas

Turn on the light
 and switch to corn heat
Threshing Floor Energy, Inc.